Mansion Tax Avoidance Measure

Predictably, homeowners who potentially fall in to the proposed Mansion Tax regime are exploring ways to avoid the tax that is seen by many, including MPs, as unfair. It has been reported that owners of such properties are asking if they can convert their house on to...

The Importance of a Responsive Website

A responsive website means having a website that is fully functional across all different platforms. Have you ever tried to load a page on your phone, only to find that it doesn’t fit the screen and you have to swipe left and right in order to read the entirety...

Parties attempt to show tax credentials

As we countdown  to what I think is probably the most intriguing General Election for decades, all of the main parties are trying to show us how great they have been over the past 5 years. One of the favourite ways of trying to demonstrate that is by telling us all...

New Year’s resolution for owners of small businesses

Have you come back refreshed, renewed, resolved and ready for the fight? (couldn’t think of any more appropriate adjectives starting with re… repressed and repulsed don’t quite hit the mark!) If you have, it is the right time of year to think about doing something new...

New Year’s resolution for owners of small businesses

As the year is winding up, now is a great time to start making plans for the New Year. It’s easy to be over-ambitious in both personal and business goals, but there are plenty of easy steps you can take to make next year a better year for yourself and your...

Some pre-Christmas cheer

The theme this week is one of a number of steps which the government is taking, rather than just one commercial issue. And as we are approaching the Festive season isn’t it good to concentrate on a few good things – and they even put the authorities in a good (ish)...