If you own and run a small business you will know only too well the multitude of tasks that you are faced with on a daily basis.

Keeping on top of these tasks – let alone actually doing them – can seem like a trying to fill a sink whilst the tap is still running : as fast as you do a task, two more come along to replace it!

Keeping and regularly updating a "To Do List" can only improve your overall effectiveness, so here are a few tips to help you along the way.

  1. Computerise your list – there are a multitude of applications to help you manage your tasks across all platforms (laptop, iPhone, iPad) and most will allow you to sync between all your devices. Do a bit of research and find the software that most suits you.
  2. Keep your list with you at all times – if you can't access your list then it's useless. You must be able to add items, delete completed tasks and update priorities almost on an hour by hour basis.
  3. Keep your list manageable – broadly divide your list into two. Firstly one dealing with what you need to achieve today – this should be relatively short and contain only the important tasks that you should concentrate on achieving today. Your second list should be your master task list from which you select your daily tasks.
  4. Break down major projects into individual tasks – if you describe your task too broadly you will be less likely to deal with it. Break large projects down into a series of chronological tasks and work your way through them.
  5. Make sure your list is as complete as possible – if you come to rely on your task list then you simply won't do important things that you have missed from it.
  6. Regularly review and update your list – at the beginning of each day spend up to 30 minutes reviewing and prioritising your task list before you start actually doing anything else.

I have used To Do lists, in various forms, for the last 30 years, so if you require any specific help or guidance in developing your own list – from a business perspective – then please email me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to point you in the right direction.