Crowdfunding – the panacea for all ills?

On rereading some of my blogs I realise that it might appear that I regard alternative funding sources as being, if not the panacea for all ills, then at least something close to it. So it might seem astonishing for me to admit that there are circumstances in which I...

Should There Be A Tax Overhaul?

Income Tax was introduced back in 1799 to pay for equipment and weapons in preparation for the Napoleonic Wars. Whilst the rules have changed over time and more taxes have been introduced, the general principles of taxation have remained the same. Is it right in...

Is there an elephant in your business?

HM Williams (2005) has written an excellent book about growing a business, entitled Proper Coffee & Other Ways to Grow Your Business. He makes a compelling analogy between owning a business and owning an elephant. Here’s an excerpt : Phase 1 You buy a baby...

A long goodbye as I’m gradually replaced by a computer

I’ve been reading quite a lot recently about the predicted demise of a lot of white-collar professional jobs – including, most alarmingly, accountants (I used to be one of those!). The theory goes that what were previously seen as professions requiring a...

Do you gamble with exchange rates?

Many small businesses buy or sell products or services in a foreign currency and in doing so put their profitability at risk. Consider this situation – you order products from a factory in China the price of which has been set at US$10,000. The lead time between order...